Terms & Conditions

This database and the Global Coal Exit List belongs to Urgewald e.V. and can only be used by third parties for non-commercial purposes. Commercial users must buy a license from Urgewald before using the data. If you are interested in commercial use and financial identifiers (e.g. ISIN numbers), please contact Urgewald at coalexit (at) urgewald.org.

Users are free to use the database and research on coalexit.org for their individual purposes. We only ask users to always indicate it as a research by Urgewald when they distribute any of it, make publications on our data or include them in presentations or talks.

Urgewald cannot be held accountable for conclusions or further calculations derived from this document by others. We do not guarantee that this database is free of errors, since the full data set is only updated annually and only refers to the information 
publicly available, mainly by the companies themselves. Thus, Urgewald cannot be held accountable for any errors in the database.

However, urgewald welcomes any feedback and improvement of the data and offers feedback on individual questions on the data provided. Please send your feedback to us at coalexit (at) urgewald.org.